
This course is closed to new enrolments.

Thrive is no longer open for new enrolments.

I will be releasing a series of new, short courses throughout 2018.

Thank you for your support!


Imagine how it would feel if ...

... you stopped spending so much time and money on things that don't really matter?

... you had the freedom to experiment and chase new dreams?

... you stopped living for the weekends and started truly living for today?

... you had time to take care of yourself?

... you woke each morning with purpose and hope in your heart?

And most importantly - you started truly living and loving your life?



Hello there, lovely.

Are you feeling overwhelmed, cluttered, and maybe even a bit lost?

I can relate - I've been there.

Five years ago, I was in a dark place. I was a shopaholic and workaholic, in a constant state of exhaustion and dangerously close to burning out.

I lived from day to day in survival mode; I was on autopilot, stuck going through the motions without any true sense of purpose or joy.

I felt suffocated and trapped in my life.

I was also confused; I felt like I was working hard, doing everything I was 'supposed' to be doing - so why wasn't I happy?

I didn't know what to do next and I started to give up on my dreams.

Since then, I've completely transformed my life.

I've gone from feeling hopeless and stuck to absolutely head over heels in love with my life.

And I want this for you too.



I transformed my life and went from just barely surviving to absolutely thriving - all by practicing simple and intentional living.

I created Thrive, this step by step e-course, to share what I've learned along the way.

On this 30 day guided exploration, I'll teach you the skills that helped me clear the clutter and create a life I love.

"I just finished Thrive and it has made a tremendous difference to me. I have very definitely felt stuck in my life, based on some personal circumstances that are unlikely to change -- but Thrive has helped me realize that I can change MYSELF even within the circumstances.

It has helped me see how I need to move forward, but at the same time look back to reconnect with the person I was during some of the happiest times of my life."

- Carol

Are you ready to:

  • find the courage to shake off external expectations and be true to yourself?
  • listen to your heart and gain clarity about your dreams and values?
  • take a honest stocktake of your current situation and decide what's working (and what's not?)
  • let go of everything that isn't adding value to your life?
  • live passionately in a way that makes sense to you?

Then let's get started.


Here's what happened when I started practicing simple and intentional living in my own life.

Five years ago, when I first started, my expectations were small; I hoped for a streamlined wardrobe, a tidier home, and a healthier bank balance.

I achieved all of those things ... but it was just the beginning.

Since embracing simple and intentional living, I:

  • left an unfulfilling career and took my future into my own hands
  • found the courage to end a relationship that wasn't making me truly happy
  • became debt free for the first time in my life
  • took seven months to travel around the world
  • reduced my possession by more than 80%
  • started actively practicing self care and making time for my own well being

And even better than all of that is the way I feel.

I'm no longer trapped and stuck in my life; instead I feel empowered and intentional - and I know this is possible for you too.

This course is about helping you discover what YOU really want in life and about providing you the tools to get there.

After 30 days, I can't promise you that your life will look exactly like mine (but who wants that?)

But I do know, that if you put in the effort, you'll notice a change in how you feel - and if you participate in the mini challenges you'll see real change in your everyday life.

And if not?

Nothing to Lose: 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

I truly believe in everything I'm offering you because I've seen the difference in my own life. But I also believe that everyone's approach to life is different and there's a chance that my approach to simple and intentional living might not be right for you.

For this reason, I offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

No questions asked - if you aren't happy with the material or don't feel like it's a good fit for you - just let me know and you'll be refunded in full.

"The course made me really have to think about me and my wants and needs. As a mom, so often what I think about is the kids first. This was a dedicated time for myself.

I would recommend Thrive because it is a great visual reminder to figure out your intentions and wants and needs. There is no pressure here, just you and some pointed questions to get to the heart of your vision."

- Joanne


What To Expect

You'll receive 30 days of lessons with actionable tasks designed to take you from cluttered and confused to living a curated life filled with purpose and joy.

You can expect:

  • journaling prompts to help you listen to your heart + clearly define your core values and dreams
  • creative exercises designed to take an honest look at your life + where you're headed
  • mini challenges to inspire you to clear the clutter + start letting go of things that aren't serving your life.
  • guided planning to help you do more of what matters + starting loving your life now (instead of someday!)

Course Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll

After 30 days, I believe you'll notice a difference in how you think and feel about your life.

However, real change takes time - and for that reason when you purchase Thrive, it's your's to keep for life.

The course is designed to help you take stock of your life and your direction, so I highly recommend creating a regular ritual - every year or six months - to revisit the material and make sure you're still on track.

(I do this every December to prepare for the new year!)

Ready to invest in yourself? Enrol today and take the first step towards simple and intentional living.


Your Instructor

Jennifer Burger
Jennifer Burger

Hello there! I'm Jennifer, the founder of Simply + Fiercely, where I help women build lives they love through simple and intentional living. As a former shopaholic and workaholic, I know how it feels to live a life that doesn't feel true to what's in your heart. Fortunately, I've transformed my life and gone from feeling cluttered and confused to living a curated life filled with purpose and joy. Now I'm here to help do the same - are you ready to get started?

Frequently Asked Questions

This course if for you if:
  • You believe that minimalism is about more than just "stuff".
  • You're willing to take an honest look at your life and your choices.
  • You're ready to make an investment in yourself.
  • And most importantly, you want to start truly living and loving your life.
This course is not for you if:
  • You want a step by step decluttering course. (In this course, I teach the system I use to decide what does and doesn't belong in my life, but I don't provide step by step instructions for decluttering your home.)
  • You dislike introspective activities like journalling.
When does the course start?
Once you make your purchase you will be given instant access.
When does the course finish?
Thrive is a self-paced 30-day course. You are welcome to work through the material at your own pace, but I do recommend you do the first module before attempting the others.
How long do I have access to the course?
Forever! In fact, Thrive is designed to help you take stock of your life and your direction, so I highly recommend creating a regular ritual to revisit the material and make sure you're still on track. After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
What currency is the price in?
Please note that all prices are quoted in US Dollars.

This course is closed for enrollment.